摘要:This study aims to examine how anxiety in women who face menopause and thefactors affecting the menopause is the last menstruation stops altogether,indicating productive no longer a woman, who is due to decreased hormonelevels and estrogen and progesterone and decreased functiontools reproduction. Anxiety is an unpleasant emotion that causes people tobecome tense, which occurs because of a anxiety such feelings and concerns thatare not clear. Anxiety of women who face menopause is a concern in dealingwith a situation that previously was not worried. These women are verysensitive into emotional impact of hormonal fluctuations, they generally can notcorrect the information so that the imagined is the negative effect that will befaced after entering the menopause. The sample in this study was a mother whodoes not work and have started experiencing symptoms of menopause.Characterized by irregular menstrual began not. According Poerwandari (1998),says that with the focus on the depth qualitative research and process, qualitativeresearch tends to do with the number of cases slightly. Based on the aboveopinions, the subjects in this study amounted to 1 person. Data collectiontechniques is done by observation and interviews. According Subagyo (inPoerwandari 1998), the interview is an activity carried out to obtain informationdirectly to reveal the questions on the respondents. According to Patton (inPoerwandari 1998), one of the important but often forgotten in the process ofobservation is to observe things that did not happen. From the results of dataanalysis carried out showed that the subject is difficult to face the menopause asthey are not ready to deal with and the lack of information he gets. This can beseen from the symptoms that natural subjects such as insomnia, more easilytired, anxious and nervous. This is also supported by factors such as cognitionand mistaken process physical problems.