摘要:Keyword: Key Word : anxiety, first child, adult, motherAbstrack:ABSTRACT :When faced with the first child birth is a new experience and a period ofdifficult for a woman. The anxiety that occurs in women who would have thebaby, usually because they have to adjust to the physical and psychological needs of infants much time, emotion and energy, while a woman remained burdened to take care of household needs. At the time of the individual concerned would be very difficult to adjust well to itself, others, as well as the surrounding environment. The purpose of this research is to determine the mother's anxiety when faced with the first child labor and to determine the causes of anxiety in the mother in the face of the first child labor. Researchers used a qualitative approach to determine how anxiety in early adult mothers in the face of the first child labor. In this research, researchers using in-depth interviews because that interviews more like everyday conversation than a structured interview, and the techniques to be used is the technique of non-participant observation because in the study, researchers did not participate took part in the lives of those who observed. In this study, the subject of three men, with female characteristics of early adult age (20 to 25 years) and who will face the first child labor by the age of 8-9 months of pregnancy. Results showed that the level of anxiety experienced by different for each subject. The highest anxiety experienced by subjects third, lower anxiety experienced by both subjects, whereas the lowest anxiety experienced by the subject first. This can be seen from the physical symptoms experienced between the first subject, second subject, and the third subject as late delivery. There are similarities at the time before birth, the three subjects felt itching in the area around the abdomen. In addition there are also differences in behavior between the three subjects performed as a matter for late delivery. The first subject prefer to go for entertainment and told his friend for a little over his problems or cleaning the house. The second subject would rather shut myself inside the room, crying, listening to music, and write a diary than anger to others. While all three subjects preferred to shut myself in my room and rest to forget the problems athand. In addition to symptoms, anxiety subject of the first, second and third can also be seen from the factors which affect, among others associated with the support of family and in-laws make the subject feel more attention in through pregnancy. Attention to food by the family to maintain the pregnancy and birth to avoid problems. The first and second subject has a good physical preparation, they maintain their physical in order to be ready when the time arrives labor. While the third subject was able to perform labor, although he was very weak condition due to problems faced by the subject very easy to make yourself tired, but my husband was ready when the subject of labor time has come. All three subjects and their husbands feel ready with their psychological. They are more surrender ourselves to God for the results to be received by them after the birth occurred. The first subject and the subject's husband was not ready economically, because the subject's husband has not got a permanent job. Subject keep her pregnancy so as not to run labor through the process because the cost of operation is very much needed. Whereas the second and third subject felt better prepared economically because their husbands have a job and already have a savings they collect from their building a domestic life. Keywords: Anxiety, Labor, mature early.