摘要:This study aimed to determine if there is a relationship and the influence ofmotivational self-regulated learning with learning in third graders SMUN 1Depok. Student learning activities because of the motivation. Students with anintrinsic motivation to feel responsible for their own learning. Extrinsicmotivation is used only as a supporter of the student to be able to performautonomously learning the so-called self-regulated learning. With aself-regulated learning then students trying to plan, control, and evaluate thebehavior of learning which are based on the ability of self-confidence andcommitment to achieving learning objectives. This can happen when studentshave the motivation to learn. This research hypothesis is: there is a relationshipand influence of motivation on learning with learning self regulated thirdgraders SMUN 1 Depok Total subjects in this study is 108 people. While thedata collection method is a method of scale. Learning motivation scale that isbased on aspects of learning motivation (Worrel & Stiwell in Nutrisiani,2006) and the scale of self-regulated learning which are based on aspects ofself-regulated learning (Zimmerman & Martinez in Heru Basuki, 2005).Results of analysis instrument using Pearson Product Moment correlation andsimple regression, to determine the validity of the items and to determinereliability using Cronbach alpha formula with the help of SPSS version 11.0 forWindows. It is known that the correlation (R) obtained at 0.860 with asignificance level of 0.000 (p < 0.05) and R square of 0.740 and the results ofthese calculations proved that the research hypothesis is accepted.