摘要:Keyword: Key Word : prokrastinasi, task, thesis,introvert, extrovertAbstrack:ABSTRACT :Writing his thesis for some students seems to be a scary thing that inevitably must be lived because for some people writing his thesis is considered a very tough job. Some of the factors leading to the inability of a student thesis writing related problems writing technique mastery, mastery of Indonesian, lack of reading, and not accustomed to writing. Another difficulty is often experienced such trouble finding a title for the thesis, the difficulty to find literature and reading material, limited funds, or afraid to meet the lecturers. These difficulties can eventually lead to stress, low self-esteem, frustration, loss of motivation, delay the preparation of theses and some even decide to not complete the thesis. Delays procrastination, as is the custom in general resistance to change, because the habit of not only its own behavior, but is part of the structure is closely related to one's mental organization. There are some specific personality characteristics associated with procrastination. Personality itself has a meaning as a pattern of emotional, mental, and the response of the internal environment, including patterns of thinking, feeling, and behavior that affect every aspect of a person's life, personality is the quality that makes a person different from another, and that's what makes a person a unique person. To understand the personality problem, the experts examine and remove various theories about the personality of the various aspects of the approach. One of them is a typological approach and the trait expressed by Jung and Eysenck personality type is introverted and extroverted. Each personality type has different characteristics from each other, it eventually causes a difference in response to existing problems, including the completion of thesis work. That's why in this study to test whether there were differences of theses tasks procrastination trends by type of introvert and extrovert personality. The data was collected on students who have obtained his thesis work at least one year but not yet able to finish it. The total number of respondents of 60 subjects, which is a generation of students between 2000-2003 and aged 22-28 years. Ona scale of 58 items procrastination who tested obtained 34 valid items in the range of 0.307 to 0.708. On a scale of personality types of the tested 45 items 21 items found valid in the range of 0.325 to 0.711. Cronbach Alpha coefficient of reliability for the scale of procrastination is 0.880, while the scale of personality types obtained Cronbach Alpha coefficient of 0.751. Based on research results obtained by analysis using Mann Whitney U-Z values obtained by -3.179 with a significance of 0.001 (p