摘要:Keyword: Key Word : lonely, men, women, workAbstrack:ABSTRACT :Men and women aged sixty years and over or who are called by the elderly, are at risk people to feel lonely. Various reasons are put forward by them of the loneliness they experience is that just died by the husband or wife or even for years, their children who are married and live separately with them to build a new life, the elderly who are has no descendants and relatives lived close to where the elderly themselves, and others. Lots of changes that occur in the elderly known as aging. These changes affect both the structure and physical and mental well functioned. The changes that occur in the elderly as a white hair and rarely, skin more dry and wrinkled, and teeth that have been dated. Also seen that the strength and their energy in a variety of jobs decreased. The percentage of seniors who work far exceeds the percentage of the group who undergo full retirement. Meanwhile, the percentage of elderly women who worked less than the percentage of the group who undergo full retirement. In addition, only a few highly educated elderly who are still working. Simply we can say that loneliness is a subjective experience is not pleasant as a result of the absence of other appropriate person who can help a person meet the needs of social interaction. The purpose of this research is to know about the picture lonely elderly men and women working and not working, and the factors that influence the lonely elderly men and women working and not working. In this study authors used a qualitative approach appropriate for qualitative methods used in the problems that aims to explore the life of a person or a person's behavior in everyday life, using the method were also obtained qualitative iii-depth understanding of various social phenomena that occur in the community. Data collection techniques in this research is to use the method of interviews and observations with the subject and significant other. To help the process of collecting data, the researchers equipped with interview guides and a tape recorder (tape recorder). In the study determined some characteristics of the elderly subjects male and female, at least 60 years old and still working or notwor ing or retired. The number of subjects planned in this study was 2 elderly men and 2 elderly women working and not working. After doing research it can be concluded that in the case of subject 1, subject 2, subject 3, and subjects 4, the picture lonely elderly men and women who work and no work can be seen from the feelings of the subject when the couple left to go. In subject 1, he was very worried when his wife was out of town for a few days. 1 subjects feeling lonely when left to his wife for a few days out of town. On the subject of 2, he felt very sad because it was left to die by her husband. Subjects feeling lonely when left to his grandchildren to go outside the house. The subject was feeling lonely at least 1 day old. In subject 3, he did not feel alarmed when his wife was out of town for a few days. Because the subject was sure, she had continuous already had a strong religious foundation. The subject was sincere, so there is no imbalance in the family. Subjects feeling lonely at times like a day off Sunday, no children and his grandchildren are playing into his house, and a maximum of about one day. While at ordinary days the subject is not feeling lonely because of the activities and work at the Foundation where she worked. In subject 4, the Subject was not worried when her husband was out of town for a few days. Subject only pray to her husband healthy, safe, and there is no obstacle nothing. Subjects feeling lonely when her mother remembered the dead. The duration of these feelings about a day. Subjects felt sad at the thought of the mother. Factors that influence the lonely elderly men and women working and not working is the subject 2 subject 3, and subjects 4 on the relationship with a lonely old status, saying that the three subjects related to age alone. Their age who has over 60 years to make them feel a sense of loneliness. Meanwhile, the subject 1, age was