摘要:In an age full of technological advances such this when all forms of humanactivities of many supported by the technology so that individuals can acquireand get things done faster and instant. All of a versatile instant as it is nowmaking individuals feel pampered and finally enjoy the convenience oftechnology without considering the effect on the body and health. These thingsare one of the many factors that can cause obesity. In Indonesia, of the estimated210 million Indonesian population in 2000, the number of overweight people isestimated to reach 76.7 million (17.5%) and obese patients totaled more than 9.8million (4.7%). Not infrequently obesity also occurs in adolescents, especiallygirls. Where these individuals experienced during puberty and there was anincrease in estrogen and progesterone hormones that cause the development offat cells and body fat storage. At this time the individual is also experiencingearly signs of maturity is marked by "Adolescent grow spurt," where there is adrastic increase in body weight and height person. Obesity or overweight occurswhen individuals consume more calories than they need. Obesity can beinfluenced by various factors, including genetic factors, brain dysfunction, onepart, the pattern of excessive eating, lack of movement / exercise, emotional andenvironmental factors, the most widely used method for measuring the level ofobesity is a BMI (Body Mass Index) which can be obtained by dividing weight(kg) by square of height (meters). Ideal BMI is between 21-23 for females and27.5 for women with obesity and those with serious obesity are 31.5. While theideal BMI for men is between 21-24 and for men 28.5 and obesity seriouslyobese is 33. For early adolescents, particularly women, obesity directly affectstheir physical appearance and can not be denied that its appearance can affecthow individuals view themselves and ultimately will affect the self-concept. Theconcept of self can be defined as individual perceptions about him, includingquality of physical, psychological and social development, which is the result ofindividual experience, interacts with the surrounding environment. The conceptitself is a very important factor to be owned by every individual, because it plays