摘要:At present parents, teachers and society still consider that the child is smart isthe child who has a high IQ or high marks in school. In fact the role of IQ in thesuccess of someone just took second place after the EQ (social skills). Socialskills is one factor that plays a role in someone's success will not only ineducation but also in the world of work. On gifted children lack social skills isone reason these children are vulnerable to problems. The purpose of this studywas to examine empirically whether there is a relationship between social skillsand stress on gifted children. Subjects in this study were high school studentseither lacquer-man or woman who followed the acceleration program.Participants in this research are about 38 people from the existing population.Sampling method used was purposive technique. In this study, the scale ofsocial skills consist of 53 items with a reliability coefficient overall was 0923.To scale the stress consists of 33 items with a reliability coefficient overall was0873. Based on data analysis was done by using Pearson correlation (one-tailed)showed the value of the correlation coefficient of r = - 0393 with the significantvalue of p < 0.01. This means there is a significant relationship between socialskills and stress on gifted children. These results suggest that the hypothesiswhich says there is negative relationship between social skills of stress isacceptable.