摘要:Key Word : self-effiency, mass media, journalistABSTRACT :This study aims to find a picture of self-efficacy belief in the mass mediajournalist. Profession as a journalist is different from most other profession aspolicewoman. Policewoman profession where it is also a high risk but thepolicewoman had formal identity as part of the facility state law, it will not bedifficult to act in charge. While the journalist in charge requires a mature abilityto get the news assigned. Therefore, the journalist has faced many risks, and thejournalist should know the capacity of its ability. Because as a journalist shouldbe ready to be placed anywhere with any task, doing the tasks assigned to theprofessional, and confident of the truth of any action taken with no journalismout of the corridor. It all went into the criteria of self-efficacy belief. Researchquestion posed is how the characteristics of self-efficacy belief on the subject ofhigh or low, why the characteristics of self-efficacy belief high and low subjects,how the developmental process of self-efficacy belief subject to high or low.The method used in this study is a qualitative approach using a triangulationmethod, the source triangulation, theory triangulation, and investigatortriangulation. Subjects in this study are a two person warakawuri. Datacollection techniques used in this study is an interview with the generalguidelines and non-participant observation. The results of this study indicate thatthe journalist in charge of self-efficacy requires a high belief. This is indicatedby.