摘要:Key Word : selft-esteem, experienced, retirementABSTRACT :Crisis that hit Indonesia in the year 1997 / 1998 causing long result for thepeople of Indonesia. Prices of basic commodities are high, all service rates rise,the number of private banks into liquidation and for large companies and stateenterprises which do require early retirement to some employees. Earlyretirement is no longer work earlier than his service time which has been set. Asa result of this early retirement will be felt on the husband who acts as head ofthe family. Where the financial terms required to meet the needs of the family.So also with the surrounding environment, whether environmental or group canreceive individual or not, and it can affect self-esteem. Self-esteem is apsychological condition as a result of the evaluation or assessment of theindividual against himself produced a psychological condition that a positive ornegative that is in him. The writing of this research aims to find the answer tothe question what the research subject of the picture is worth a man who hadretired early, why the subject of self-esteem men who suffer from earlyretirement or less, and how the process of self development is the subject of menwho suffer from early retirement so that be high or low. This research dataobtained from two subjects who experienced early retirement. From the resultsof data analysis performed, the obtained conclusion that early retirement doesnot make a person self-esteem is low.