摘要:The presence of parents in giving attention to influence children learningmotivation. But not all children are lucky to live together with both theirbiological parents. Because of the variety of things that cause some children tolose and parted for ever with their biological parents, so children are forced tobecome an orphan. The absence of a parent figure who gave attention is whatled to children learning motivation tended to be low. This also causes some ofthese orphan have to live in the orphanage, so that these orphans get areplacement parent figure. Therefore, researchers wanted to test the learningmotivation orphans living in an orphanage. In this study researchers focused onresearching orphan aged 16 years who lived in an orphanage. Data collectiontechniques performed by the method of interviews and observations, and alsoassisted with the psychological tests Edwards Personal Preference Schedule(Epps). Based on the results of research known that the attention of thebiological parents influence a child learning motivation. The lack of attentionfrom the biological parents and the support of the orphanage environment makelearning motivation orphans tend to be low.