摘要:In this country or any society, the problem of smoking is a very complexproblem, and could not be denied that smoking may interfere withhealth. Smoking is a risk factor that can cause various diseases. In the addictivesmoking behavior of smokers will add a dose of cigarettes at the time he felt theeffect would be reduced. Smoking reduces life expectancy several years andincrease the risk for affected various diseases, particularly cancer of lung,mouth, and-throat. These disease is not one to discourage smoking, especiallythe risk of pregnancy for a teenager. The purpose of this research is to find apicture of cigarettes addictive behavior at a teenager. The method used in thisresearch is a case study method for this research directly related to the subjectand a unique case. Subjects studied in this research is a young woman who was23 years old. Data collection techniques used by researchers is the method ofinterviews with the general instructions and guidelines for non-participantobservation. While the tools of research data collection using an interview guideand tape recorders. Having done the research can be concluded that the imagedisplayed addictive behavior is the subject of increasing doses of cigarettes eachtime show the subject, this can be seen from the subject can spend a half a packto two packs a day continuously. The things that affect the incidence ofaddictive behavior of cigarette that is the family factor that is where there ismodeling of family members (see the father and older brother), social factorssuch as environmental subjects in both the social environment at schoolsubjects, courses and environments friends play, most smokers, the individualfactors: the subject is typical of people prone to anxiety and easily frustrated, thesubject felt by smoking will feel the serenity. According to the subject withsmoking can forget about the problems that are happen to the subject, thesubject says that cigarettes are the most efficacious drugs for himself