摘要:Teaching reading to young learners needs different methods and techniquesfrom teaching reading to adults since young learners have specificcharacteristics and limited knowledge and vocabulary. The problems of thisresearch are what teaching methods, techniques, and media employed inteaching reading to young learners. The aims of this research are to describe themethods, techniques, and media used in teaching reading to young learners. Toobtain the data the writer conducted a nonparticipant observation and aninterview with the class teacher. The numbers of the students observed were tenstudents and the number of teacher observed was one reading teacher. From theclass observation and interview, it can be concluded that the teacher used fourdifferent teaching methods in teaching reading to young learners: theCommunicative Language Teaching, the Grammar Translation Method, theWhole Method, and the Multiple-Intelligences Method. The technique employedwas Directed Reading-Thinking Activity and the media used were textbook,pictures, and whiteboard. The writer hopes that this research could be used asconsiderable and useful matter in helping readers in understanding methods,techniques, and media in teaching reading to young learners.