摘要:In this paper the writer wants to find out the Equivalent of English SubjectivePersonal Pronoun. English Subjective Personal Pronoun are (I, you, we, they,he, she, it). The aim of study in this paper is to find out the Equivalents ofEnglish Subjective Personal Pronoun into Indonesian (TL). For this paper, thewriter used qualitative method in conducted in this research. The result of thisresearch is English Subjective Personal Pronoun I is translated into Saya, Akuand ku. English Subjective Personal Pronoun You is translated into Kau, Anda,Kalian, and Paman. English Subjective Personal Pronoun We is translated intoKami and Kita. English Subjective Personal Pronoun They is translated intoMereka, Parah Penyembuh, and Ini. English Subjective Personal Pronoun Sheis translated into Dia, Tubuhnya, Si Penyihir Wanita, Wajahnya, and MrsWeasley. English Subjective Personal Pronoun He is translated into Dia, RonHarry, and Orang. English Subjective Personal Pronoun It is translated into Ini,Itu, Tugas, Bab itu, and Hari itu. And the last, English subjective personalpronoun is sometimes not translated.