摘要:Analysis on the Characteristics of Miss Marple in Miss Marple Final Cases. AScientific Research Paper. S1 Degree. English Department Faculty of Letters.Gunadarma University. Jakarta 2009. Miss Marple Final Cases by AgathaChristie. It talks about six different stories which related to a crime. In eachstory, Miss Marple can help her partner to solve the problem. She is smart. Sheis able to read the situation and able to reveal the crime at the accident. The aimof this research is to analyze on the main character in Miss Marple Final Cases.To find the data for this scientific research, the writer uses library research as theresearch method, websites to collect the data, a dictionary and taken from somebooks which are related to the topic. As the source of data, the writer uses twoversion novel, which are Miss Marple Final Cases by Agatha Christie and KasusKasus Terakhir Miss Marple by Ny. Suwarni The result of this research willshow the character of Miss Marple such as; she is smart, hum