摘要:The title of this thesis is An Analysis of Minke in Pramoedya Ananta ToersFootsteps; A Social Criticism. This topic is very interesting because socialcriticism in literature is a reflection of a social life in a certain era. Besides, thisnovel is written by Indonesian author, Pramoedya Ananta Toer and tells story ofhis homeland and its people in Dutch Colonial Reign. Pramoedya has won manyawards such as PEN/Barbara Goldsmith Freedom to Write Award, RamonMagsaysay Award for Journalism, and is frequently discussed as Indonesia's andSoutheast Asia's best candidate for a Nobel Prize in Literature. The aims of thisresearch are to find out the social criticism in this novel, toward whom thecriticisms are directed, the reason why this novel was banned and the authoridealism that reflected in the main character. Basically, most of Pramoedyasworks contains of social criticisms and his idealism. This thesis uses aqualitative descriptive method because it analyzes social criticism of the maincharacter that reflected the author idealism in a written words or verbalexpressions from the characters and behaviors. The writer also uses the primarydata, which is the novel Footsteps and takes secondary data such as referencesfrom the author biography, theories books, and internet. The writer usessociological approach to find the social criticism in the novel that reflectedPramoedyas idealism. In this research, the writer finds the social criticisms thatare implied in the novel. The social criticisms are: colonialism, racism andJavanese feudalism. She also finds the reason why this novel was banned bygovernment of New Order regime. The reason is because this novel is believedby the government that this contains and disseminates of Marxism/Leninism-Communist doctrine. And the social criticisms in this novel aredirected toward Dutch colonialism and Javanese Feudalism especially theJavanese aristocrats who are respect-crazy. Pramoedyas idealism of equalitythat reflected in the main character. In brief, the writer wishes that socialcriticism would provide some knowledge for all readers