摘要:keyword: TWINS, ENGLISH-INDONESIAN, TRANSLATION STUDYABSTRACT :Translation is the activity of changing form of a language from one language into another language. The translation is done by a translator who masters two languages. Translation becomes a common activity in our daily life and it is alsoa very crucial activity. Because of that reason, as a student of an EnglishDepartment the writer is interested in translation. In this paper, the writer wouldlike to try the ability in translating a novel entitled �Twins� from Englishinto Indonesian. The writer chooses the English novel entitled �Twins� byChristine Thorburn as the source text because the writer thinks that it is aninteresting topic to translate. It contains a good story about many thingsespecially about relationship of family, friend, and etcetera. The aim of thestudy of the paper is to make the readers understand the story easily inIndonesian version and to find the problems faced in translation process and their solution. The problems faced are words and idiomatic expression,grammatical structure, situational context and cultural context but the writertries to solve it such as use dictionary, idiomatic dictionary and other way.