摘要:ABSTRACT :The title of this research is a The Translation of English Article into Indonesian,which covers two languages, English and Indonesian. The writer takes thistopic, because articles can be translated into Indonesian language in severalmeanings. In this research, the writer wants to know what are the translation ofEnglish articles a, an, and the into Indonesian, and the aim of this study is tofind out the translation of English articles a, an, and the into Indonesian. Themethod that the witer used is qualitative method because all of the data areanalyzed in the words and sentences. The writer finds several results oftranslating English articles into Indonesian such as; article a that can betranslated into sebuah, suatu, or seorang. Article an that can be translated intoIndonesian suatu. Article the that can be translated into itu, yang, -nya. Severalarticles in English are not translated into Indonesian.