摘要:The aim of this study is to illustrate thepsychological truth in Sheila from herdestructiveness and her recovery. In thisthesis the writer analyzes the illustration ofSheila’s destructiveness by analyzing thepsychological problem of the main effectsand character, causes, and her treatment.Dialogue or statement of problem analysesis fulfilled by setting and plot. Setting andplot make the illustration more real to beimagined. In this study, the writer uses aqualitative research or the library researchto show and know about Sheila’s life. Theuse of this for developmental psychologyor child psychology as an approach toanalyze the novel. The writer takes thedata from dialog, character, setting, plot,and what Sheila’s doing as character untilshe can recover from her illness. Thewriter compares psychology and literatureto analyze the novel of Torey Hayden. Thewriter found the psychological truth inauthor’s text. From the text, Sheila isdescribed as a girl that has badenvironment of family. She is too young toget a broken family. This situation makesSheila survive with her way and wise toaccept her life. The author as psychologisthas healed Sheila from her mental illnesswhether she takes a long time tocomprehend Sheila’s character. The writerconcludes that children need health care,mental care, education care from parents.If the three categories are not completed, itwill impact child as an abnormal childand in this case she was a destructed.