摘要:ABSTRACT :Since western films have become commonly seen on TV, the need of subtitlingis abundant. Subtitling is a film translation which is done by a subtitler, whichneeds special equipment as well as special skills. Film translation is differentfrom translation in some matters. Translation is easier because the text can beread for many times while film text cannot. The objective of this apprenticeshipreport is to explain the steps done in film subtitling, and the difficulties faced bythe subtitlers in translating western films. The writer did the apprenticeship atRajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia (RCTI) in West Jakarta for one month. Tosupport the theory about subtitling the writer browses Internet. In this report thewriter describes all processes done during film subtitling, and gives informationabout all divisions related to film subtitling. After doing apprenticeship as a filmsubtitler, the writer finds out that subtitling is a promising job field becausethere are many western films on TV which need to be translated before they areon air. To be a good subtitler, a person must meet some qualifications. Asubtitler must certainly be able to understand English dialogues. It means that asubtitler must have a good listening skill as well as a writing skill since he or shehas to render the dialogues into a different language. A subtitler should alsohave a large vocabulary and good knowledge about the cultural background ofthe western countries.