摘要:In this thesis the writer wants to find out the Equivalence of English ObjectivePersonal Pronouns into Indonesian. English Objective Personal Pronouns are (-me, -you, -us, -them, -her, -him, and -it). The aim of study in this thesis is to find out theEquivalence of English Objective Personal Pronouns into Indonesian (TL). The writerused qualitative descriptive in conducted in this research. In presenting the data, thewriter used quantitative method. The result of this research is English ObjectivePersonal Pronouns me is translated into -ku, aku, and saya. The most frequentlysingular English objective personal pronouns –me is –ku that is 33.3% or 5 words outof 14 words. English Objective Singular Personal Pronouns you is translated into -mu,anda, kamu, and baginda. The most frequently singular English objective personalpronouns you is –mu that is 57.1% or 8 words out of 14 words. English ObjectivePlural Personal Pronouns you is translated into kalian. There is only one data found inEnglish plural objective Personal Pronouns you is translated into kalian that is 100%or 5 words. English Objective Personal Pronouns us is translated into kita, and kami.The most frequently plural English objective personal pronouns us is kita that is63.6% or 7 words out of 11 words. English Objective Personal Pronouns them istranslated into mereka, mereka berdua, makanan itu, jin-jin itu, hujan, binatang itu,and barang-barang itu. The most frequently plural English objective personalpronouns them is mereka that is 42.8% or 6 words out of 14 words. English ObjectivePersonal Pronouns her is translated into -nya, dia, mereka, kapal uap, rakit ini, wanitaitu, and bibi. The most frequently singular English objective personal pronouns her is–nya that is 33.3% or 4 words out of 12 words. English Objective Personal Pronounhim is translated into -nya, dia, pembantu, ayah, and orang itu. The most frequentlysingular English objective personal pronouns him is –nya that is 50% or 9 words outof 18 words. English Objective Personal Pronouns it is translated into -nya, itu, haltersebut, ini, and tangan itu. The most frequently singular English objective personalpronouns it is –nya that is 45% or 5 words out of 11 words. But not all EnglishObjective Personal Pronouns are translated.