摘要:This study intends to shed some light on how business management terms aretranslated from English into Indonesian and what translation strategies areemployed in the translation those terms. The data were collected by means ofbusiness management terms taken from various glossaries of English businessmanagement terms. The aims of this research are; (1) to identify theequivalence of those terms in Indonesian; (2) to describe the strategy employedin the translation of the terms; (3) to find out the most common strategiesemployed in the translation of business management terms. The methodemployed in this research is a qualitative descriptive method. The data consistsof terms in English and Indonesian. There are 600 terms that were found by thewriter. After analyzing the data, it was concluded that the translatorsemployed more than one strategy in translating business management termsfrom English into Indonesian. The strategies include direct translation,combination of direct translation and naturalization, naturalization, anddescriptive translation. Results also showed that direct translation is the mostwidely used in English-Indonesian translation of business management terms(55%). It is followed by the combination of direct translation and naturalization(25%), naturalization (15%), and descriptive translation (5%).