摘要:Literature is traditionally described as the body of writing that exists because ofinherent imaginative and artistic qualities. And novel is one of literary works.There are two kinds of novels; serious and popular novel. The novels that areused in this skripsi are serious novel because they tell about case of murder. Thewriter chooses the novels because the author wrote based on their experienceand that influence their works too. The novels are about detective in differentcharacters. The aims of studies are to find out the similarities and differences ofdetective in Odd Thomas and Hercule Poirots Christmas and to find out howthey could solve the crime. The writer chooses qualitative descriptive researchmethod. The data in this research also qualitative data. The writer uses thisresearch method because the source of the data is novel and the novels consist ofsentence so to analyze it the write have to describe what is in the novel. Toknow more detailed and accurate about characteristic, the writer chose structuralapproach to analyze these novels. Based on the analysis the writer concludesthat in the novels; Odd Thomas and Hercule Poirots Christmas, we can seesome similarities and differences between the main characters in both novelsalthough they were detective. Some similarities that we can see are, first, theyhave same stories; case of murder. Second, the murder is done by singlemurderer and male. Third, the main characters who solve these cases were adetective and male. And fourth, the main character live in their own houses. Andsome differences that we can be find in these novels such as, they have differentplot. Different background because they grow in different country and period.They have different murderer and motive to kill the victim. The last, they alsohave different method from these main characters to solve these crimes that ishow they could find the murderer. Although the main characters were detective,they have different method or technique to find out who the murderer is. SuchOdd uses his supernatural power to find out the murderer so the police would be