摘要:The aims of this research are to describe the English adjective collocations,other word classes that collocate with the English adjective, the most frequentcombination of adjective collocations, and to describe the meaning of adjectivecollocations. This research discussed the English adjective lexical(medium-strength) collocation. In case of speaking and writing, there are someproblems non-native speakers may have with English vocabulary use inparticular with the appropriate combinations of words. This research uses aqualitative descriptive method, because all of the data are in the form of wordsand sentences not numbers. Besides, this research is also a descriptive research,because it involves the collecting of data is to answer research questionsconcerning the current status of the subject of the study (David, Wilkinson.2000:7). After finding 200 data, the writer classified two main categories,namely adjective + noun (L3) and adverb + adjective (L6). The writer alsoclassified six subcategories, they are derivational adjective + noun, describingadjective + noun, intensifying adjective + noun, adverb + derivational adjective,adverb + inherent quality, and adverb + physical state. The most frequentcombination of adjective lexical collocations is adverb + derivational adjective;there are 94 data or 47% of the whole data. All of the collocations in thisresearch have common meaning.