摘要:ABSTRACT :This research paper is an error analysis concerning on the usage of regular andirregular verbs of simple past tense. The writer is analyzing the errors made bythe first grade students of Faculty of Letters, Gunadarma University duringacademic year 2007-2008. The aim of writing this research paper because thewriter wants to know the students errors and to know how far the studentsmastering regular and irregular verbs of simple past tense. The writer usesquestionnaires in analyzing the errors. The questions are essay which consist of20 items. The population in this research paper is the first grade students 1SA01and 1SA02 of Faculty of Letters, Gunadarma University during academic year2007-2008. The population is 67 students, and the sample taken from thispopulation is 40 students. The result of study shows that from 40 students, thestudents ability usage of regular and irregular verbs of simple past tense isVery good, and the data are presented in the tables. From the discussion thewriter got the cause of errors which were done by the students, might come thata bit of the students not really know about how to change simple form of verbinto past form of regular and irregular verbs.