摘要:The aims of this research are to identify the themes conveyed in the modernBritish poetries and to describe how the themes are conveyed. To achieve theaims of this research, the analysis is using practical criticism. The scope of thisresearch focuses on the themes and the means used to convey the themes. Thesources of the data of this research are several modern poetries that randomlychosen for this research. The number of poetry chosen is seven. To support thedata, books and internet articles are taken to define the meaning of related termsin this research. The method used is qualitative method. This method is the exactmethod for this kind of research. The result of the analysis shows that there aretwo kinds of themes, i.e. common and specific themes. Common themesincluding trains, childhood and age, and specific themes including the gapbetween modern world and older slower existence, the reality betweenchildhood and adult life, the experiences of childhood and the process ofgrowing up, the feeling of securities and insecurities in childhood, the sense ofhuman desire and the reality of life, the nature of death and its undeniableexistence, the pleasant and unpleasant sense of being old. In addition, the meansemployed to convey the themes are end rhyme, hyperbole, imagery, metaphor,paradox, personification, simile and symbol. Keyword : ANALYSIS, BRITISH, POETRY