摘要:ABSTRACT :In this research the writer wants to analyze a biography of K.H. AhmadDahlan, written by Adi Nugraha. The writer chooses that book because K.H.Ahmad Dahlan is a famous person. K.H. Ahmad Dahlan is also one of theheroes of Indonesia. This research is important because a book report iscompletely factual, in this research the writer tried to explain about the wholecontent of the book includes the story, title, place and year of publication,summary of the book, and comment of the book. A book review is critical workundertaken by a reader in order to accomplish certain function, among whichare analyses of the work, explication of content and it's absorption into thepersonal and professional arsenal of the reviewer's mind. The writer choosesthe book of âBiography of K.H. Ahmad Dahlan for making book reportbecause it is one of the important and interesting subject to discuss and thewriter wants to know further about his life, his career, and his struggle todisseminate Muhammadiyah. From this book reader can learn about K.H.Ahmad Dahlan's life.