摘要:ABSTRACTRevenge is a desire to avenge the pain to ward the person who had hurt him or her. It isdesirous feeling the satisfaction of the pain suffered by that person. Revenge appears it humancannot restrain the emotion like anger. Revenge is bad trait because it will influence the wholeaspects of life. The writer tries to find out the character of revenge people with ConstantinDemiris’s situation in Memories of Midnight with bad effects that get him his life with hisspiteful trait. The research uses a psychological approach to describe influence of spitefulcharacter the life of Constantin Demiris as main character. The study aims at finding spitefulcharacteristics of Constantin Demiris and describing Constantin’s life influence with thespiteful character by using a psychological approach. This research uses a qualitative method tocollect and analyze the data. It will help the readers to understand about spiteful characterinfluence the life of main character in Memories of Midnight. The result of analysis shows thatspiteful characteristics of Constantin Demiris are: sensitive, hard to believe other people,visible clam, and making a smart strategy to take revenge. Then the revenge influences his lifein his romance and social life.Keywords: Key Word: Analysis, Character, Spiteful, Influence, Psychological Approach