摘要:An established business for profit and find out whether the existing investmentcan meet the necessary requirements. The purpose of the Feasibility Study itselfis for activities that were not profitable and to avoid the risk of failure of aproject involving a large amount of investment. The method used in this study isto calculate the Net Present Value, Payback Period, Profitability Index andInternal Rate of Return. Interest rates used by 12% and the estimated economiclife for five years and to help calculations investment and Proceeds with theresults obtained for NPV calculations for a feasibility condition is acceptable ifthe positive results of the calculation results of RP. 90,828,809, -. For PBP inthree years has been able to return the investment. For the PI accepted if morethan one result that is 1.59 and for the IRR calculation of the results obtained12.27% of the capital of the bank loan rate at 12% suggests.