摘要:Key Words : ANALYSIS, ORDER SYSTEM, CONSIGNMENT GOODSABSTRACT :Order system on Consignment goods is the main activity of a company becausegoods order affects fluctuations on companys earnings. Company's survivaldepends on achieving sales targets which are expected to increase companysearnings so if order system does not go well then the company can not providethe goods needed by consumers. Hence revenue to be received by the companyis less. Order system includes a consignment of goods, tissue procedures, theparts involved in ordering consignment of goods, and documents used in aconsignment of goods order. The purpose of writing this report practical work isto analyze the order system of consignment goods at TM Bookstore Depok byevaluating strengths and weaknesses. Also to find out if it is in accordance withexisting theory. The method used by the writer in this practical work report datacollection method was by performing from various activities, such as, go to theBookstore, interviews with business owners, and read a few books related to thiswriting. From the research results obtained the conclusion is that a consignmentof goods order systems has been well, each section has been carrying out itsfunctions and company has implemented good internal controls that areintegrated so that the possibility of abuse can be identified as none.