摘要:Key Words : PROCEDURES, GRANTING CREDIT, SMALL CAPITALBUSINESSABSTRACT :Credit is an essential matter for bank due to productive asset relied significantlyby a bank that can generate significant income is the debtor, or commonlyknown as credit. The aim of this scientific study was to find out credit grantingprocedures applied in accordance with valid applicable regulations by PT. BPRBumiasih NBP 19. Conclusion can be drawn from this writing that creditgranting procedures are carried out by the BPR is in line with applicableregulations. In addition, the writer knows the types of credit loans at the BPR,the terms and conditions also the kinds of guarantee to apply for credit at theBPR Bumiasih NBP 19, detailed and clear processes of approval and grantingcredit, payment of credit, and ways in resolving credit.