摘要:Key Words : PROCEDURE, PLANNING AND composing INCOME ANDEXPENDITURE BUDGETABSTRACT :Planning procedures and Budgeting are a benchmark in governance budget, sobudget management can run optimally in accordance with the legislation inforce and the Government Accounting Standards. While budget is an annualfinancial plan that local governments are discussed and mutually agreed upon bythe Regional Government and Parliament. Job Training In this report authoruses the method of writing based on literature study and field work. In writingthe literature study based on the search reference books to get the necessarytheory. While in field studies, the writing is done by doing practical workimmediately to obtain primary data, where data retrieval is done by observationand interviews. The procedures performed Depok Mayor's office as one of thelocal government agencies in planning and budgeting the revenues andexpenditures are in accordance Depok City regulations.