摘要:ABSTRACT :Writing these three products reviewed the performance of the Fund as at PT.Bank NISP Tbk, namely: Mutual Funds Mantab, Reliable Fund, and MutualFunds Idol. Where the Fund are issued by. NISP Securities, which includeelements in their calculations of return and risk as well as JCI as its criterion. Atthis writing, gathering research data obtained from the Internet, and thenperformed a comparative analysis between the performance of the Fund Mantab,Reliable Fund, and Mutual Funds Idol with the performance criterion (CSPI).After calculation by comparing the performance criterion (CSPI), the authorsconcluded that the Fund is a good Reliable. When compared to the MutualFunds and Mutual Funds Mantab Idol, gains by the Fund Reliable larger thanlosses that may occur. Although the overall under its criterion performanceindex (CSPI). In other words, the Fund invests Reliable feasible for the medium.