摘要:Key Words : PROMOTION COSTSABSTRACT :PT. Sosro beam is the tea company with national distribution. Besides theprocessing of raw tea producer is PT Sinar Sosro fast food products. To achievethe desired results of PT. Sosro ray should not cost you a bit to do promotionsthat can support the improvement efforts. To find out the cost of promotion atPT. Sosro rays can increase sales or not the analysis performed. The analysisused is multiple regression analysis where: Y = - 3297.91 + 600,912 x1 +1543.78 x2 indicating that the company will receive proceeds of Rp.3297.91 ifno promotion. Correlation resulting from the previous calculation is obtainedr123 = 0.76, which means that are approaches + 1. Thus the relationshipbetween two variables x (cost of promotion) and y (the sale) is very strong, andpositive direction. While the coefficient of determination or r = 58.73%. Itmeans that the contribution of cost factors campaign against the sale of 58.73%,rest influenced by other factors such as taste, price and level of satisfaction.BIBLIOGRAPHY (1993-2001)