摘要:Keyword: Keywords: Service Excellence, Customer SatisfactionAbstrack:ABSTRACTIn a banking industry, the Bank should really know and understanding about the behavior of customers, about what is needed and what is desired. In addition to this, the banks should be able to analyze the factors of the excellent service which will affect on the level of customer satisfaction. Services provided by the bank not enough merely attitudes and behaviors of the employees in dealing with customers, but also should include a variable-rate service. This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of variables the excellent service (service excellence) to consumer satisfaction with the Bank Negara Indonesia branch office Margonda Raya. Excellent service variables used in this study is the ability (abilities), attitude (Attitude), appearance (appearance), attention (attention), action (action) responsibility (Accounttability), convenience, and accuracy which is then translated into some items variables. Testing hypotheses in this research through the stages of regression analysis multiple, which states that the variable-rate service simultaneously affect consumer satisfaction with Bank Negara Indonesia, where the variable responsibility have the strongest relationship level / most significant to customer satisfaction, while variables related weakest / least significant with customer satisfaction is a variable accuracy.