摘要:ABSTRACT :Analysis of marketing strategy is one tool used to analyze and find out how acompany conducts upayaupaya in marketing the products it sells. In thisdiscussion so many aspects into consideration and which became the basis ofthis analysis, among other factors into strengths and weaknesses andopportunities gained by the company with all kinds ancamanancaman to bewareof these companies. Companies that become the object of this research is acompany engaged in the sanitary field, namely. Surya Toto Indonesia. In thisstudy the author examines this Company, both from the Internal and ExternalEnvironment of the company. The analysis tools to support this research isSWOT analysis. Authors obtained data directly from the company that becamethe object of this research.. IFAS and EFAS analysis shows that the company isin a position where the first quadrant, which means the company still has thepotential to continue to grow, so the company can still improve their products byimplementing the strategies are Growth or growth.