摘要:Project Feasibility Study is a study about whether the project can beimplemented successfully. The objective of the project feasibility study is toavoid keterlanjuran investments that are too large for the activities that were notprofitable. In carrying out the project in general, using the methods ofinvestment appraisal methods include payback period, net present value method,the method of internal rate of return, and profitability index methods. The objectof the research that I took Dapoer Djakrata Restaurant which is located at Jl.Kebagusan 1 No. 8 Sunday Market. The data used here are primary dataobtained from direct interviews with restaurant owners dapoer Djakarta. Fromthe data obtained, I tried to analyze how much the value of PP, NPV, IRR, andPI in Djakarta Restaurant Dapoer .. From the calculation is known that the PP of10.2 months, the NPV of Rp.. Of all the above results that meet the requirementsindicated that efforts Dapoer Djakarta Restaurant to open a new branch isfeasible.