摘要:Scientific writing is aimed to determine the level of customer satisfaction gsmcard users indosat IM3 among students around the city of Jakarta by using the chi-square method and the Likert scale. Data or variables used is the primary data, where data is taken based on questionnaire research directly to consumers. Population and samples of student writing is a GSM card users Indosat IM3 of 50 respondents. Results obtained using a Likert scale that is 60% of respondents were satisfied, 6.67% of the respondents felt quite satisfied, and for 33.33% of respondents felt very satisfied. On average 68% of respondents were satisfied that the network will be accepted. Respondents were satisfied with the price set by an average of 77.13%. Respondents felt very satisfied with the facilities provided by an average of 82.45%. Respondents were satisfied with the services provided by an average of 72.4%. This is caused by PT. Indosat customers' interests. And with the chi-square where Ho is rejected because the calculated ?2 = 124.6 in the region with Ha ?2 table = 21.0621. Thus, Ho Ha received the rejection means that the customer was satisfied with the use of GSM card and is expected indosat IM3 PT.Indosat pelangganya satisfaction is always priority to get the best results.