摘要:In every activity a company is always trying to obtain optimal benefits fromeach operational. Where the profits are expected operations can be run well andsmoothly, and can produce a quality product. Given the often the duration setuptime machine so that goods produced longer and more expensive productioncosts, and therefore companies need to anticipate that the machine setup timebecomes faster da of the products is also faster and high-quality products andcompetitive other companies. A production companies such as PT Toyota AstraMotor, which represents companies that manufacture in automotive goods suchas cars, should be able to produce a quality product. Production processes needto be prepared well in advance, so that production activities can run smoothly..Target to be achieved in the writing of scientific research is to know how big theapplication just in time and its influence on production costs incurred by thecompany and reduce setup time machine so that goods produced more quicklyand cost incurred by smaller and more efficient. To obtain the data in scientificwriting, the author uses field research that is by conducting research directly tothe place of research and provide questions to related parties of PT Toyota AstraMotor. In addition to field research the authors also use the research literaturethat support data collection from a variety of readings and book-tulisa tulisaused in the writing of this scientific research.. So that goods produced faster andmore cost efficient