摘要:Keyword: Key words: stock, abnormal return.Abstrack:ABSTRACT:This was an event study, entitled "Indonesian Capital Market Reaction, The implementation of the General Election 9 April 2009 at the Indonesian Stock Exchange ". The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is difference significant average abnormal stock return surrounding the implementation of the election and beyond to find out whether there are significant differences in average abnormal stock returns before and after the election. This study used a sample consisting of 45 companies that joined in stock LQ45 period February - April 2009 is done through observation is not normal (abnormal return) during the observation period of 40 days. The analysis tools are two different test average (paired samples test). The results showed that 9 April 2009 election did not provide a strong influence on stock price movements around and outside of an election, is evidenced from the t value (-0.193)