摘要:The use of computers as a support tool in the field of accounting has been anabsolute necessity, businesses need skilled workers not only in understandingthe basic concepts of accounting manually, but also the mastery with computeraids. The development of computer-based accounting software is increasinglysophisticated and easy to operate is conducive climate for a dynamic businessworld. The purpose of this research report is to determine the ratio between theapplication of Microsoft Excel with MYOB Accounting application in preparingfinancial reports on PT. RISOMAS, to determine the applicability of MYOBAccounting in presenting the financial report at PT RISOMAS so in accordancewith the criteria of the financial statements, to determine how to implement acomputerized accounting system using MYOB Accounting application on thefinancial statements. RISOMAS.. MYOB Premier 75 application capability ofpresenting the financial statements are in accordance with the criteria of thefinancial statements. By implementing applications MYOB Premier 75, the timerequired to present financial statements is much more effective and efficient.