摘要:Company as a business organization engaged in activities that have the goal ofmaking profit (profit oriented). In achieving its main goal is profit, the companyis not only concerned with doing the production activities. Companies must payattention to external factors beyond the company's internal environment. Ie otherfirms who become competitors (competitors) in a major community needs.Company to be able to win the competition necessary to measure theperformance of his company as a reference in making strategic decisions.During the time a company just focused on the financial perspective alone as ameasure of performance. Given the limitations of financial statements in thisinformation age, because they tend to only measure short-term corporate profitsand is not able to measure wealth not exist and intellectual property.. BalancedScorecard is a management system, measurement, and control the rapid,accurate, comprehensive and can provide insight to managers about businesspeformance. Performance measurement is looking at business units into fourperspectives, namely financial perspective the customer perspective in thecompany's business process perspective and learning and growth perspective.Research conducted at the bank BTN Syariah Branch Jakarta, located in theBank Tower Building 2nd Floor No.1 Jalan Gajah Mada, Jakarta.. From theperspective of customers, banks are able to provide satisfaction to customers, itis evident from the large market share, number of customers who meningkatdancustomer satisfaction towards services and products offered. From theperspective of internal business processes, said to be good, because the bankcontinues to innovate, to maximize the operating process, and provide after salesservice. The last part of learning and growth perspective seen an increase inbank operations to improve the competence of its human resources. Based onthis, the authors suggested that the banks are in the stage of business growthcontinues to improve its performance in the four perspectives and the bankshould begin to consider the application of balanced scorecard as a performancemeasure and apply it to the company's strategic management system.