摘要:Abstract—PLACEMENT OF EMPLOYEES AT THEEGG DISTRIBUTION IN PROSPEROUS UD ASINMETHOD USING ASSIGNMENT. Ferdy Ridwansyah Un-dergraduate Program, Directorate of Business and En-trepreneurship Diploma Program, 2010 Gunadarma Uni-versity http://www.gunadarma.ac.id Keywords: Assign-ment Method, Distribution. (viii + 47 pages) ABSTRACTThis research was conducted to determine how the distri-bution of staffing for efficiency of time and effort by usingthe method of assignment, in order to get the optimal endresults of assignment of employees for distribution of goods.In terms of delivery of goods, the company commissioned:- Agus to Ciledug with time 50 minutes - Heru to Ciputatwith a time of 30 minutes - Amen to Bintaro with a time of50 minutes - Joseph to Pamulang with a time of 45 minutesiii