摘要:Loyal consumer behavior (behavioral loyalty) was measured based on consumerbuying behavior shown by the high frequency of customers coming into a shopor buy something product. Consumers who truly loyal is a high frequency ofrepeated purchases, and show a strong loyal attitude. Latent loyalty will happenwhen consumers show a strong loyal attitude, but rarely buy our products. Interms of practical, behavior-based definition of loyalty is very interestingbecause record sales and profits achieved only if consumers make a real action,which is buying. Or variable data used are primary data where the data is takenbased on the research questionnaire directly to the consumer. Which comprisesof 50 respondents and 16 questions. The analysis method is the Likert test, chisquare and rectangular diagram.. Level according to which the get is 84.47% forthe reliability dimension, 77.34% for the dimension of responsibility, 77.68%for the assurance dimension, 80.14% for emphaty dimensions, and 86.62% fortangible dimension. X2 count of 95.6128 which achieve these results is greaterthan 26.2962 chi square table. Then Ho is rejected, Ha accepted meaning ofconsumer loyalty towards high Sympathy cards.