摘要:In this scientific writing, entitled "Analysis of Customer Satisfaction at figuringSari Jakarta", the writer wanted to know how the level of customer satisfactionFiguring Sari using 5 dimensions of service quality by Fandy Tjiptono (2002:68) ie: tangible (tangible), reliability (reliability) , responsiveness(responsivennes), assurance (assurance) and empathy (emphaty), by distributingquestionnaires to 80 respondents / customers figuring Sari Jakarta In scientificwriting, the writer take the data from the Internet Cafe located at Jalan SariSouth Slough 1 No. 7, Johar Baru, Central Jakarta. In scientific writing, thewriter uses Likert Scale Analysis and Chi-Square Analysis. Based oncalculations using Chi-square analysis obtained by X ² count (40.47)> X ² table(26.30), then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted which means customers aresatisfied with the services provided by figuring Sari.And based on calculationsusing the Likert Scale Analysis obtained an average rating score for each ofthese factors include reliability, tangible, responsiveness, assurance and empathyare 300, 311.5, 290, 300 and 291 which are all located on a 272-336 scalerangesmeans customers are satisfied with the services provided by figuring Sari.