摘要:Key Words : RAW MATERIAL, INVENTORY CONTROL, SME CURUGGENTONG, EOQ METHODABSTRACT :Company's operations require raw materials for production processes. For thatcompanies must stockpile raw materials which the company must first makeproduction forecasting. Each company should determine the supply of rawmaterials economically and optimally in order to avoid shortages and excessinventory of raw materials. Curug Gentong SMEs has six workers in managingproduct and marketing which cover almost the entire territory of Indonesia.Until now, the SMEs have not employed EOQ approach in controlling thesupply of raw materials to be produced. Seeing this, the research can be done todetermine how the quantity of the most economical order, the total cost, andwhen it will be ordering again. Based on data on the purchase of raw materials,it can be calculated by using EOQ method. Where after using the EOQ methodCurug Gentong SMEs can order raw materials for 387 units for 6 months asproven that it is more economical than before by using the EOQ method inwhich the company ordered a raw material for 420 units for 6 months. In thiscase, it would be very useful for management in determining the raw materialinventory and determine the quantity of supplies to be purchased so as to makecost savings.