摘要:In the case of faces stiff competition in the retail business Indomaret party(Gamal Abd al-Nasir) Margonda Depok, West Java must be responsive to thethings that will influence consumers to choose where to shop, resulting in asatisfaction. This strategy is an important enough in the face of the competitivelevel of competition between retail companies with one another retail company.From the data obtained, the author tries to analyze what things are affectingconsumers in choosing where to shop by using the 5 (five) dimensions of servicequality Philip Kotler (2002: 499), namely: Reliability, Intelegence , Assurance,Empathy, and Intangible . In this study, the method is to use a Likert Scaleanalysis, namely mambagikan ditujukkan questionnaires to 120 respondents, ofwhich each respondent had to fill out a list of questions provided. Based on theresults showed that Indomaret (Gamal Abd al-Nasir) Margonda Depok, WestJava, viewed from the 5 (five) dimensions of service quality Philip Kotler (in2002: 499), namely: Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, andTangible considered to have walked with well, this agrees with the results of thequestionnaire found that most customers were satisfied and their influence inselecting Indomaret (Gamal Abd al-Nasir) Margonda Depok, West Java as aplace to shop. And based on calculations using chi square analysis (Chi Square)was obtained Ï count = 174.5981727 larger than Ï table = 26.296. This meansthat the Accept and Reject Ho Ha means that consumers are satisfied with thesales service Indomaret (Gamal Abd al-Nasir) Margonda Depok, West Java.