摘要:PT performance measurement. Bank Syariah Mandiri, based on analysis of theBalanced Scorecard can be translated into four namely Perspective FinancialPerspective, Customer Perspective, Internal Business Perspective, and Learningand Growth Perspective. In assessing the work performance of PT. BankSyariah Mandiri views of the Financial Perspective, the author uses the methodLiquidity ratios, Activity ratios, Leverage Ratio and Profitability Ratios withFinancial Statement Data Page. Bank Syariah Mandiri period consisting of theBalance Sheet and Consolidated Profit and Loss. In assessing the CustomerPerspective of the author using customer satisfaction questionnaires. assess theperformance of PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri perspective, companies can measurethe productivity of employees and the companys ability to quickly andaccurately.. Corporate performance can be seen from Financial Perspective,according to Liquidity Ratio in common is good, it can appear from firm abilityaccomplish current liabilitieses on year 2006 as big as 166,59 % and point outaught working capital efficiencies or said by likuid's firms. Based on theanalysis and discussion that has been done writer, the writer draw conclusionsand suggestions can be useful for development purposes PT. Bank SyariahMandiri with future should consider creating and implementing the BalancedScorecard concept into corporate strategic management systems.