摘要:Forecasting is one of considerable importance in corporate decision makingwhich required a variety realistic and measurable information so that decisionsare not purely speculative and inuitif. Planning requires prediction of futureconditions by testing the state of sales forecasting in the past means to determinethe approximate amount of sales volume in the future. Based on calculations andanalysis using Moving Average 3-month period, the results obtained per unitselling price of Rp. 44 728, profit of Rp. 16 568, and the error of Rp.374500. By using Weight Moving Average with weights 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, then theselling price obtained per unit of Rp. 41 675, profit of Rp. 13 515, and the errorof Rp. 408 411. By using a single exponential Smoothing with a = 0.3 isobtained per unit selling price of Rp. 61 680, profit of Rp. 33 520, and the errorof Rp. 532 998. By using Trend (Least Square) is obtained per unit selling priceof Rp. 13 456, loss of Rp. 14 704, and the error of Rp. 340 516.