摘要:Writing is reviewing the performance of an equity fund of funds Maksima Paninissued by PT. Panin Securities, Tbk where the calculations include the elementsof return and risk as well as its criterion Composite Index(benchmark). Moreover, I also used the difference between the averageperformance generated by the Fund with an average risk-free investmentperformance, in this case is assumed as the average interest rate of BankIndonesia Certificates (SBI). If Panin Funds Mutual Fund PerformanceMaximum Performance Better than the proper criterion for the means toinvest. But if otherwise, then the Mutual Fund Fund Panin Maximium noteligible for the means to invest. At this writing, gathering research data obtainedfrom the Jakarta Stock Exchange (Secondary Data), and then a comparisonanalysis between Mutual Fund Performance Fund Panin Maksima with JCIperformance and SBI VALUE as its criterion. After calculation by comparing itsperformance with the performance criterion (JCI and VALUE SBI), the authorsconclude that the performance Maksima Panin Dana is "GOOD", because theirperformance can "beat" or better than the performance criterion. In other words,the Fund Panin Dana Maksima eligible for the means to invest.