摘要:ABSTRACT :Seeing the fast food market competition is so high then McDonalds FamilyRestaurant as one of the fast-food restaurant in Indonesia must have a strategy tosurvive in the market. For that McDonalds Family Restaurants should be able tomaximize the consumer experience a pleasant flavor and quality of service onproducts supplied to customer satisfaction are met. From the data obtained, theauthors wanted to know about how consumers are satisfied with the qualityproducts and quality service branch of McDonalds restaurant sector Bintaro IX.And what factors between product quality and quality of services that affectcustomer satisfaction levels at McDonalds restaurants. In this study, the methodis to use the analysis of Likert Scale, which is distributing a questionnaireaddressed to 100 respondents.. Based on research results indicate that theMcDonalds restaurant has the largest gap is the mean price attribute is 1.14. Thisindicates that food prices showed a mean pretty much the gap betweenconsumer expectation and reality. And also of the attributes of speed of service,staff friendliness and comfort of the room where the three attributes that havethe gap approaching the mean 0.7. It marks the third such attributes does notfulfill consument.Dari Chi Square results, we concluded that the most dominantfactor in terms of dimensional variation of the product is the menu, and in termsof responsiveness and service quality is reliability, because it has the greatestvalue of Chi Square. The chi square value is the smallest dimension of Price andEmpathy.